Mød den brasilianske klimaforsker og aktivist Sabrina Fernandes
Tid: Mandag den 4. oktober kl. 19
Sted: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Community Hall, Blegdamsvej 12, 1., København N
Her er en enestående mulighed i Danmark for en politisk forberedelse til efterårets diskussioner og aktiviteter om klimaet gennem en snak med Sabrina Fernandes.
Sabrina Fernandes er ikke blot en anerkendt forsker på klimaområdet, men er også i stand til at give et perspektiv fra ’global south’ på en radikal, socialistisk opfattelse af klimaproblematikken og vurdere de aktuelle internationale udfordringer.
Mødet kan også følges digitalt på Zoom
Transform!Danmark, Global Aktion, Noah – Friends of the Earth, Extinction Rebellion Danmark
Mødet vil foregå på engelsk og hun vil tage udgangspunkt i:
A debate on central issues today with Sabrina Fernandes, Brazil, climate researcher and activist.
Reflections on the impacts of the recent report by IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
– The impact of the report on international debates and policy choices up to COP26 (Glasgow, early November)?
– What is the response from national and international actors? Have their responses changed?
– What will be the most urgent issues and what will politically be possible?
– How will irreversible changes affect our lives the next generations?
– How is this viewed from the Global South? – and regarding the more concrete situation in Latin America viewed from Brazil?
– Does climate assistance from the global North play any positive role?
Sabrina Fernandes is a sociologist and political economist and has been doing research on political ecology. She is a postdoctoral fellow with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies.
In addition to this meeting, Sabrina Fernandes will give lectures at University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University and Lund University.