The Vienna model and affordable housing in Copenhagen

Torsdag den 13. februar 2020. Kl. 19:00 –21:30, Studiestræde 24, I, 1455 Kbh. K.

Transform!Danmark og Enhedslistens Boligpolitiske Udvalg starter en debatrække om aktuelle problemer for den danske boligbevægelse, og vil specielt fokusere på internationale erfaringer og relevans for mere alsidigt boligmarked. Det første møde bliver torsdag den 13. februar 2020, kl. 19:00 og tager udgangspunkt i erfaringerne fra Wien og hvorledes det har været muligt at etablere boliger langt billigere end i Danmark.

The meeting will be in English, and presentations by:

Kristian Kristiansen, former associate professor at the Technical University of Denmark:
The Vienna model and affordable housing in Copenhagen

Vienna is the only city in the world that has not suffered from the
consequences of ever increasing prices on housing. Why is that and what can we learn from the Vienna?

The Vienna model will be outlined and discussed in relation to the demand
for affordable housing in Copenhagen and the need for a new housing policy.

Comments by Walter Baier. From Vienna, economist, political coordinator of transform!europe – a think-tank network related to European Left:
Achievements of Red Vienna in the 20ies and 30ies, and how the Social
Democrats since the 1970ies lived on this heritage without augmenting it.
The housing policy of Vienna and ideas of a democratic transition to

Questions and discussion.

Moderator John Andersen, Professor, Plan, By og Proces, RUC.

Attendance free of charge